Friday, November 13, 2009

Is it really Friday?

Is it just me or does it completely not feel like Friday? It feels like Thursday. Or maybe even Wednesday. Some day other than Friday, anyhow. This whole part time work thing has got me all messed up schedule-wise! Except get this: I have no piled up laundry, no piled up dishes, and my living room is clean! I seriously cannot believe it. I got a lot done today:

Took Hailey to school
Posted items on ebay
Replied to questions on ebay and craigslist about items posted
Did dishes... TWICE! (I can't remember the last time I had time to do dishes twice in one day!)
Did a million like 10 loads of laundry
Folded and put it ALL away (I usually let it sit on the back of my couch for a while... so this is a definate improvement and goes to show how much extra time I have)
Made lunch and met up with my husband at work like usual
Came home and cleaned the living room
Called Mcafee because their website was being ridiculous and I couldn't download some software (there went an hour of my day on the phone)
Picked up my daughter from school

(insert something here because i have no idea what I did between that and the next one)
Made but hey it was made!

And actually, speaking of dinner, I am super proud of my self control this evening! I love to have pizza on the weekends and I will admit, it is almost every single weekend- usually on Friday. Pizza is my fave food and I could eat it for every meal until the day I died. Seriously.

Anyway, I talked myself out of pizza and made spaghetti. My self control doesn't stop there! I also, forwent the garlic bread (the best part!) and instead, made corn. Yes, I know lots of carbs and starches still, but a lot of the time we don't even have a veggie with dinner so this is good for us. And, to top it all off, I only ate 1/4 to 1/3 of my usual spaghetti serving (maybe 1/4 to 1/2 cup?), 1 regular sized scoop of corn, and a slimfast. And I was full!

I don't know about you, but I always feel obligated to eat what my family eats, and then usually feel guilty because A) It's usually a cheap meal made from hamburger with tons of carbs and B) I almost always eat more than I know I should. So this whole 'eating just a tiny bit with a slimfast' thing could work out great for me. I already eat a slimfast for breakfast. I L-O-V-E The french vanilla powdered slimfast with nonfat milk. I crave it. It takes like vanilla cake batter to me. mmmmm.

Tomorrow on the agenda: Taking Hailey and her BFF to the free (gotta love that!) Lowes kids clinic. She loves these and we all get to spend time building a free project provided by Lowes.
Also: Probably driving 45 minutes to drop hailey off with Grandma for the night. And the driving 45 minutes back. We will see about this one, though.

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