Friday, November 13, 2009

Finding my Blog Niche!

I've tried starting a blog a few times but even though I may be completely interested in something and totally into it (couponing, online bargains, organization, reducing debt, etc.) I just can't seem to stay interested in it enough to actually WRITE about it for more than a week! Go figure.

So, I decided it is time to create a blog that's about what I love most: My family. A place for me to ramble about my busy days, family events, and share my personal and financial endeavors. Maybe throw a pinch of advice in there somewhere, sarcastic remarks, meaningless nonsense, and WHALLA! You have my personality on the internet in a blog for all to read. Sounds great, right?

Right now I am somewhere near a crossroads in my life, I guess you could say. I went from FT working Mom to Very Part Time (14 hours a week with a non-profit) by choice. Interestingly enough, after we paid down debt enough for me to be able to make that choice, I find out less than 24 hours after I informed my boss of my near future changes that I was going to Part Time whether I wanted to or not! Funny how the world works sometimes...

So I am in the middle of getting used to the changes at work, planning to become a FT SAHM soon, being able to actually clean and organize my house (hooray!), getting my daughter adjusted to a new school (choice transfer), being newly married (almost 1 year!), dealing with a dead-beat bio Dad, planning for a baby somewhere in between all of this, eating healthier and losing a bit of weight (hopefully before pregnancy).... Can you relate to any of this? Anyone?

I am excited to come here to tell all so hopefully someone is at least motivated to TRY to come by and read it once in a while!

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